Hot mess

I don’t know what’s wrong with me this week. I have had zero motivation to get anything done, or even to make healthy choices. Yesterday was better than Monday, and today was better than yesterday, but I don’t know if I can make up for my slipups before it’s time to weigh in again on Sunday.

Speaking of weighing in, here were Sunday’s numbers:

Starting weight: 230

Last week’s weight: 222.2

Today’s weight: 220.6

Total inches lost – waist: -2 (I’ve decided I’m going to measure my waist at my bellybutton, not the “dressmaker’s waist” I’ve had to try to remember how to locate for 29 years; I think I’ve taken this waist measurement at least 3 places. Now they’ll be consistent.)

Total inches lost – hips: 1.5

Total inches lost – bust: 0.5 (like I really needed to lose inches here :\)

Total inches lost – arms: 0

Total inches lost – thighs: 0 (I need to find a similar landmark for my thigh. Just as high as the tape can go on the inside and straight across horizontally?)

I’m such a mess.

I don’t know why I’ve been so sad and fat this week. Besides that I ate a half a pizza on Sunday. And this was after I gave myself a “free day” on Saturday to eat greasy Chinese and drink booze. I passed on the birthday cake. Don’t tell my sister, she doesn’t know I didn’t eat her cake. I wasn’t trying to be rude. And I only had a couple drinks, with diet (aspartame! How scandalous!) cola. I did eat a half-ton of boneless spare ribs. But it felt like I screwed up way worse than I did. So on Sunday I felt like a fatass screwup and felt less guilt than I should have about the half-pizza. And Monday I felt guilty about the whole weekend, so I tried to track my points while I was at work, but I still picked salty, overprocessed, not-real-food choices like Cordon Bleu on the steam table (only 4 points!) rather than food that was actually good for me, like salad.

This is how nearly-week-long slipups happen, I suppose. I’ve skidded out of control.

Yes, the creator of this was probably pro-Ana, but I imagine the girl in the picture climbed the mountain and if you squint you can hardly see her ribs.

I’m not going to follow the metaphor to the logical conclusion, however, and steer into the skid. That just sounds like  a recipe for disaster. Or cheesecake. Chocolate turtle cheesecake. Did I mention that instead of cruising Pinterest for fitspo, I’ve been lurking in seedier, tastier boards? It’s been great, but I really need to get out of that habit. I’ve already eaten way too much buttercream for a while.

It really wasn’t until Kaity texted me saying she wanted to cheat that I remembered that we were doing this together, that I should be just as accountable to her during the week as I was on Monday mornings. I feel guilty about saying higher numbers lost than she does, so maybe part of me doesn’t want to share the hard parts with her. I don’t know, I’m kind of dumb when it comes to social things. Always have been. When she texted me, I sent her a fitspo I’d put on my phone. Then I realized how important it is that I keep up with this blog. If I had kept up with it, I might not have been so discouraged and hadn’t screwed up so much.

Well, I’ll just count this week as a win as long as I didn’t gain weight.

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